We have an extensive range of natural slate Hearths available, we offer an in house cutting service were your hearth can be cut to the shape and size required. All of our hearths are hand cut and hand finished to your bespoke specifications.
Click here for a free no obligation Quote https://karrekstone.co.uk/personalised-quote/
With many shapes and finishes available we are able to customise your hearth to meet your needs. The most common Hearths are T-shapes, D shapes, Teardrop, Quadrant, Pentagon, Rectangular and Square. From natural to honed, graphite or grey green we have so many options available, thicknesses range from 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm and even 40mm.
We can also cut to templates, so if you have a wonky wall or an awkward shape don’t worry to make installation easier we can cut to the shape required.

Click here for a free no obligation quote https://karrekstone.co.uk/personalised-quote/